20 June 2016 is World Refugee Day, a day that will be celebrated at Ancienne Belgique (Brussels) with a benefit concert by Artists #withRefugees. In anticipation of this concert the artists launch the cd Two Small Bags, Ten Millions Dreams, featuring the tragic story of a family of refugees seeking a new life in the back of a truck. The lyrics were written by Michael De Cock, the music by Frank Vaganée (Brussels Jazz Orchestra). A lot of big names from the Belgian jazz music scene and beyond, participate for free in the recording, as well as in the concert on 20 June: Tutu Puoane, David Linx, Brussels Vocal Project, I Solisti del Vento & Brussels Jazz Orchestra.
lieu d'enregistrement : ACE Studio in (Aartselaar) by Gyuri Spies
- Released : 30/05/2016
- Recorded : 24/03/2016 -> 31/03/2016
- Supports : CD, digital