Jazz In Belgium
Jazzinbelgium.be is a platform aimed at bringing together Belgium-based jazz actors, doing so by providing audiences with daily information about the Belgian jazz scene. Since its inception in 1996, this website has been managed by Les Lundis d’Hortense, a jazz musicians' association promoting and distributing Belgian jazz.
Jazzinbelgium.be's main goal is gathering contents created and published by various jazz operators based in Brussels, Flanders and Wallonia and framing them through a national and international perspective. All professionals – musicians, concert venues, jazz clubs, managers/bookers, labels, institutions, photographers, journalists, sound technicians, studios - can register for a professional account to share their activities online. The platform is open to all sorts of styles (mainstream, modern jazz, post bop, free jazz, swing, manouche, crossover, world jazz, Nu-jazz…) and its calendar to all sorts of jazz-related activities (concerts, jam sessions, festivals, conferences, masterclasses, films…).
Jazz amateurs, on the other hand, can register anytime for a member account granting them priority in following their favorite artists, venues, etc.
Jazzinbelgium.be is a trilingual (Eng, Fr, Nl) platform freely put at the service of both professional and audience member users, and operates on the basis of mutual respect for the others' contributions. The information published by professionals is treated without prejudice and automatically sorted in the chronological order in which it was published or updated.
Contact: info@jazzinbelgium.be
Les Lundis d’Hortense asbl
Chaussée de Louvain, 193a-195 - 1210 Bruxelles
With the support of Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Sabam For Culture and COCOF - Commission communautaire française
© 2022 - Les Lundis d’Hortense asbl - Web development : BXdev