A Tribute to Jean-Pierre Catoul | Jazz tour
© Christian Deblanc

A Tribute to Jean-Pierre Catoul | Jazz tour

  • Start date : 24/02/2023 20:30
  • Type : Concert
  • Venue : JAZZ9
  • Address : Rue de l'Usine 9a, Mazy 5032 Gembloux, Belgique
  • Organizing structure : Les Lundis d'Hortense
  • Festival : Jazz Tour

Already a little more than 20 years ago, the Belgian jazz scene lost an exceptional figure: violinist Jean-Pierre Catoul. This flamboyant musician left his mark on jazz, chanson française, world and rock music. During his short career, he most notably worked with pianists Charles Loos and Pirly Zurstrassen, as well as guitarist Peter Hertmans. An artist who knew no borders, he directed Led Zeppelin’s string quartet, and also accompanied chanson française artists such as William Sheller, Barbara or Alain Souchon. Twenty years later, fellow and friend pianist Charles Loos pays him homage with a spectacular bowed string instrument trio (violin – alto – cello) accompanied by an accordionist. On tap for this unprecedented evening: compositions by Jean-Pierre Catoul as well as compositions dedicated to him.

As part of the Jazz Tour


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