Experiencing music online has become so natural that it is hard to imagine it ever being any different. This Jazz&mo' seeks a balance between analogue and digital, between playalong apps and offline education, between streamed concerts and outdoor festivals, between records and Spotify and certainly between QR codes and letters on paper.

On the cover: Dishwasher_, the winner of Jong Jazztalent 2022, already blew over the AB via livestream and will soon do the same on the Main Stage of Gent Jazz. Jeroen De Weder and Pablo Smet celebrate the 30th anniversary of Jazz in 't Park in September. Gent Jazz rises from the dead, courtesy of Pascal Van De Velde and Kevin Devos. Ben LaMar Gay breaks a lance for more analogue fun. Jazz club Houtum Street invited its audience by mail forty years ago. Richard Rousselet can be admired online and offline as guest conductor of the Ghent Youth Jazz Orchestra. With Jazz Master Tracks' playalong app, you can play in a big band from the comfort of your armchair. And after the corona pandemic, Too Noisy Fish finally got to throw a postponed party.

And further: for the Cover Artist, we return to the pre-digital era with Jean Dubuffet. Elias D'hooge and Lennert Baerts are young, great and going to the finals of B-Jazz International Contest. Maarten is comfortable offline and with Wim Wabbes' records we stay in analogue spheres. Leon Lhoëst talks about Steely Dan. We serve up five reviews you didn't yet read online. And The Milk Factory released a new album with Sweden's Hannah Tolf.

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