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Friday 23/02/2024

Camille-Alban Spreng's ODIL + Nina Kortekaas

Thursday 22/02/2024

Unheimlich’ is the name of the third and new opus of Camille-Alban Spreng’s ODIL project. This new record was born from Camille-Alban’s passion for Allen Ginsberg and the beatnik movement. The voice...

Sunday 03/12/2023

Camille-Alban Spreng's ODIL + Nina Kortekaas

Sunday 26/11/2023

Camille-Alban Spreng's ODIL + An Pierlé

Friday 24/11/2023

ODIL 'Unheimlich' + Minla © Théo Lanau

Friday 20/10/2023

Camille-Alban Spreng's ODIL + Nina Kortekaas

Thursday 19/10/2023

Official release concert

Thursday 21/09/2023

W.E.R.F. records: 30th anniversary Bruges jazz label W.E.R.F. records - short for Wasted Energy Record Factory - was founded in 1993 as a one-time support for Bruges pianist Kris Defoort. 30 years...