Tristan Bernoud Project - Young talents

Tristan Bernoud Project - Young talents

  • Start date : 18/10/2024 20:30
  • Type : Concert
  • Venue : Jazz Station
  • Address : Chaussée de Louvain 193a-195, 1210 Bruxelles, Belgique
  • Purchase link

Fascinated by the human connections and musical cohesion of the members who make up this quintet, vibraphonist Tristan Bernoud composes original pieces that showcase each of the musicians. The aim of the project is to offer fresh, energetic, new music, inspired as much by the current New York headliners as by the great figures of jazz. The group, based in Brussels, recorded a debut album released in June 2024. Based on a variety of emotions, the compositions leave a decisive place for improvisation, creation and interaction. The result is a group that constantly pushes the boundaries, powerful and sensitive at the same time.

15€ ·10€ members, students, job seekers · 9€ KCB/CRB students / ULB Culture card
Reservations strongly recommended via our online ticket office.


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