Audrey Lauro
© Laurent Orseau

Audrey Lauro

Brussels-based saxophonist A.L trained in composition, jazz and contemporary music. She then devoted her energies to experimental music and particularly to improvisation, constantly questioning the language of instrument, phrase and sonic event.

«From phrase to sonic event through all kinds of atoms and particles».

A.L started in 2002 a jazz cursus at the Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussels and contemporary composition cursus at the Conservatoire Royal de Liège. Since then she has spent the last decade developing her music on experimental music scenes in Belgium and abroad. As an alto sax player focusing mostly on free improvised music, she’s also involved in multidisciplinary music projects.

In 2012-2013 A.L curates two editions od the festival Wolves Stories in Brussels. She invites to join the "Wolves" Maggie Nichols, Mia Zabelka, and 8 other improvising musicians to create portraits of women through music, texts, films and experiments. In 2013 she invites Stine Janvin Motland to perform with the collective.

Since 2013 A.L regularly worked with the innovative production platform/ensemble for multidisciplinary music projects ChampdAction performing in several productions of the collective :

- 2013 "Hold Your Horses" Grand Opéra de trash in 27 acts and entr’actes more infos - trailer

- 2014 "P-TRAINS (Astrin Phosphora)" in 20 Nov 2014 at DeSingel, "Ann Eysermans et ChampdAction" more infos - trailer

- 2015 "HRZSCHMRZ" "In the opera HRZSCHMRZ Serge Verstockt and ChampdAction put the spotlight on ‘love’. They ponder the ever advancing digital world that engulfs us in our daily reality." more infos - trailer

In 2016 A.L worked currently with Q02 (workspace for experimental music and sound art based in Brussels), B R O N K S (Theater for a young audience / Brussels) and The National Theater "La Monnaie" for the creation "It's Frankestein Stupid", presented in may 2016 during the European Opera Days. more infos

In 2020, A.L is invited to join the collectif C-IME (Canopée Improvisation Music Ensemble) hosted at Le Brass in Brussels to develop its musical research.

Since 2007 A.L conducts musical workshops with teenagers and children and regulary works in secondary education.