Inactive Hommage to Jaco Pastorius

Hommage to Jaco Pastorius

Bassist virtuoso Michel HATZIGEORGIOU knew Jaco PASTORIUS very well. He had the opportunity to tour with him and to become very familiar with his music.

When Jaco died, Michel felt that his music had to live on, especially his great big band music, which has a unique sound.

Michel recreates the bass parts and the musical direction is in the hands of another friend of Jaco, Peter GRAVES.

The repertoire includes "Liberty City", "Three Views of a Secret", "Continuum", etc... and a few pieces associated with the period during which Jaco was a member of Weather Report ("Punk Jazz" and compositions by Wayne Shorter).

The band appeared with great success in several festivals, a.o. at the Festival of "Les Lundis d'Hortense" in Brussels, at Jazz Middelheim Festival 99, Gaume Festival '99 (shown on RTBF TV).