Hypersonic Peace Bureau
© Pascal Meurisse

Hypersonic Peace Bureau

Set up at the height of the new Cold War, the office is a creative association working for peace, using the powers of the hypersound, it's a bit like being in space or in an 80s science fiction movie!

This trio + one is very Belgian indeed, it pacifies thanks to the original compositions of its members and guestes and also revives the Jazz repertoire of the 80s without sulking about this slightly retro guilty pleasure.

Formula : Trio + One = ?

The band is made up of drums, double bass and saxophone, the fourth member is a guest guitar player who joins them on stage. The bureau  already had the pleasure of collaborating with Manu Bonetti and Elena Holzer, and intends to continue this tasty recipe.

The band is at ease and fits the stage of a jazz club, your living room or a festival!