Ghent Youth Jazz Orchestra

Ghent Youth Jazz Orchestra

The Ghent Youth Jazz Orchestra is an initiative of Muziekmozaïek and Vuurvogels, with support from VLAMO. For over three years, the big band gives young musicians the opportunity to grow, play together and work with renowned conductors from all over the world. They will discover the tradition of swing as well as contemporary compositions during project weeks (during the autumn and Easter holidays), extra rehearsals and master classes. And beyond that: exchanging ideas, enjoying great concerts, having fun and playing with full focus.

These young musicians were selected for the new line-up of the Ghent Youth Jazz Orchestra.

  • trumpet: Emiel Verneert, Isaura Van Dam, Janne Heylen, Monne Verschaeve, Winter Dielema
  • trombone: Bernard Mestdagh, Jentl Vandamme, Tijl Allaerts, Timon Haerens (bass trombone)
  • saxophones: Fons Van Aerschot (alto), Tess Van Droogenbroeck (alto), Casper Niemegheers (tenor), Bolster de Koster (tenor), Nikolaos Tsouvala (baritone)
  • rhythm section: Wout Schepens (piano), Stan De Bruyne (guitar), Andreas Beeckman (double bass), Gabriël Noerens, Ferre Heyvaerts (drums)



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