NoSax NoClar

NoSax NoClar

  • Start date : 26/04/2024 20:30
  • Type : Concert
  • Venue : Jazz Station
  • Address : Chaussée de Louvain 193a-195, 1210 Bruxelles, Belgique
  • Purchase link

‘Kahmsïn’, the first album of this duo, was inspired by Celtic (Ireland), Berber or Balkan music traditions to compose freely, with their background. ‘Rëd Sisters’, their second opus, continues to revolve around global roots, Armenia no less. Everything is an excuse to look for new ways to play their instruments. A philosophy that Yolk Records liked, from the first album, released in digital version in 2020. The play of textures, but above all the rhythms play a fundamental role here. Their pirouettes occupy the field, without a protective net, almost making us forget that it is just the two of them playing. 2019 winner of the Jazz Migration program then selected in a showcase at the international Jazzahead show! 2023, NoSax NoClar is undoubtedly one of the revelations of the current jazz scene!

15€ · 10€ members, students, job seekers · 9€ KCB/CRB students / ULB Culture card
Reservations strongly recommended via our online ticket office.


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