Melanie De Biasio
No Deal is a bluesy interplay of light and shadow, a powerful, enigmatic and addictive album that enjoyed unanimous accolades on both sides of the language barrier, far beyond the jazz scene. Seven tracks and a total of 33 minutes was all she needed to score one of last year's top albums. Things are also moving fast for De Biasio abroad. France is at present being completely won over, while in the UK influential radio DJ Gilles Peterson named No Deal album of the week on BBC Radio 6.
De Biasio touches on the essence, and ventures like no other to rewrite her arrangements into modern pieces of music in which the hypnotic rhythms of Nina Simone and the mysterious soul of Beth Gibbons, Scott Walker and Mark Hollis resonate.
For the album No Deal, she surrounded herself with prominent musicians such as Mohy on piano, Pascal Paulus on analogue synthesizer and Dré Pallemaerts on drums.