

Murmurs, like the warm breath of someone familiar, whispering softly, gently in your ears. Murmurs, like the sound of an intimate word, like timidly sharing a secret. The saxophone, the guitar, the accordion and the singing design a poetic, idyllic atmosphere. In alliance or alone, they float smoothly, resembling the movement of the human soul. On the way for looking themselves, they im- provise, and finally they encounter utterly during the moments of sharing.
Melancholic and warm at the same time; the music -composed by Tom Bourgeois- passes through several states, in the same man- ner as humans pass through the stages of life. The sounds that emerge, come from an atypical, acoustic instrumental formation, which transforms into a true easiness. Listening to these sounds leads us toward a story, which is well known for our ears. Tender but powerful, it is a music of introspection.