Jean Campos

Jean Campos

When he was 11 years old, he began to listen carefully to " progressive rock " bands like Genesis, Yes, and others. He plays in his first rock groups from 1975 to 1985.

Discovers Jazz-Rock at 16 (Weather Report, Mahavishnu Orchestra,…) then become attracted in Coltrane's and Magma's Chrstian Vander's music. Listens assidiously to Elvin Jones and Tony Williams.

Around 1980, creates the following bands : Tune-Up ( funk, jazz, rock) and Stress (with Francis Charlier on guitar), then stops all musical activity between 1985-87 while still practising drums.

In 1987, he is attracted by a more accoustic jazz and gets involved in several bands playing standards ( with, ao, Michel Mainil, Claude Martial, Alain Pierre, Lucky Vandevelde), plays with Steve Houben, Nathalie Loriers and Richard Rousselet and in numerous jam-sessions.

Recently, he has been playing in bands like Sloong Quartet, Michel Mainil Quartet, the Sax Battle Quintet, Pierre Lafontaine Trio, Stéphane Jalhay Quartet and Geneviève Chapelle Quintet. He is seriously involved in the " ateliers du lundi du Cirque Divers " in Liège with Charly d'Inverno, Philippe Doyen, Marc Frankinet and Jean Borlée.

Since 1995, he is a member of the blues band " Tucker Zimmerman & the Nightshift "