Edmond Harnie

Edmond Harnie

  • Instruments : Trumpet, Flugelhorn
  • Date of birth : 18/09/1920 - Hal
  • Date of death : 14/10/2016 - Hal
Edmond HARNIE starts his professional career as a trumpet player at an early age.

In 1938, he can already be heard playing with the best Belgian musicians of the period. He a.o. plays with the band of saxophonist Fud CANDRIX.

It is the beginning of a very long career, that he will focus on the tremendous job of lead trumpet player in the big bands, a specialty in which he gained an impressive reputation.

In France, he joins the Eddie WARNER orchestra, in which Lalo SCHIFRIN occupies the piano chair.

Then he joined another top French band of the post-world war 2 era, the big band of Jacques HELIAN.

In Belgium, he works for the Flemish radio led by Francis BAY.

Very much in demand in Germany as well, he plays with the Werner MÜLLER Orchestra.

He lives for a while in Berlin, where he has regular contacts with Belgian pianist/composer/arranger Francy BOLAND. He will even be a member of the famous Kenny CLARKE - Francy BOLAND Big Band for several concerts and participated in several albums recorded in Cologne, Germany. He is regarded as one of the specialists of BOLAND's music.

Back in Belgium, he plays with the big band led by vibraphone player SADI, with whom he makes several tv shows, a.o the show that received the "Rose de Bronze de Montreux".

When Etienne VERSCHUEREN forms the "BRT Jazzorkest" at the Flemish radio, he calls Edmond HARNIE to be his lead trumpet player, a job that he will brilliantly occupy for 20 years, and which will allow him to work with top international soloists and arrangers.

In 1971, he appears on SADI's big band LP Swing a Little, reissued in 2003 on CD (September label).

Edmond HARNIE has participated in numerous recordings, a.o. with Etienne VERSCHUEREN's big bands such as the album with pianist Jack VAN POLL "Injacktion" (September), or with guitarist Jean BLATON. He also was invited by the EBU (European Broadcasting Union) Big Band in Sarajevo (with Michel HERR !).

Having reached the age of retirement, he kept playing with several big bands, providing the younger generation with precious advice, thanks to his huge experience as a big band musician, and as a lead trumpet player. All this with a natural generosity that forces the admiration of his colleagues.

In 1992, he participated in the soundtrack of the movie Just Friends written by Michel HERR.

He remained active a.o. with the West Music Club, led by Richard ROUSSELET. and was an inspiration for young trumpet players in the context of big bands..

In 2000, during the Belgian" Django d'Or", he receives a special award for his career achievements.