Casimir Liberski & Roman Hiele

Casimir Liberski & Roman Hiele

  • Start date : 27/09/2023 21:30
  • Type : Concert
  • Venue : Bonnefooi
  • Address : Rue des Pierres 8, 1000 Brussels, Belgique



Most people know Casimir Liberski as the Brussels-born jazz pianist and composer who produced a few heady math-jazz trio albums after a stop-over in the US. A lesser known fact is that ever since he got his hands on his first baby Casio and his dad’s primitive Mac, Casimir has developed a bond with computer music that has proved beneficial to both his virtuoso piano playing as his virtual use of MIDI programming and sequencing. Making electronic music has always been part of Casimir's creative mind and process, shaping how he composes, improvises, and hears music. For the first time in front of a live audience, Casimir Liberski will play the quirky beats and synth melodies that have stuck with him since those first few days of experimentation.



Roman Hiele is a composer and performer of electronic music. He has released seven albums between 2013 and 2020 on Belgian labels Ekster, Ultra Eczema, and his own imprint Universal Exports which he co-runs with musician Yves De Mey and designer Allon Kaye.

Hiele performs his music globally and has completed several artist residencies at EMS Stockholm (2015), RBMA Paris (2015), DeSingel Antwerp (2018), and Kunstencentrum Vooruit (2020).

He has collaborated with numerous other musicians, as well as undertaking music and sound design work for film, theatre and art projects.


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