Trio Grande

Trio Grande

  • Start date : 03/12/2022 20:00
  • Type : Concert
  • Venue : L'An Vert
  • Address : Rue Mathieu Polain 4, Liège, Belgique

The smallest big band in the world will celebrate 30 years of musical complicity in 2022, something rare enough to be underlined!

These three musketeers are preparing a sixth album for their birthday.

This all-terrain trio can charm the public in the intimacy of a club as well as on a big festival stage. Their music is described as libertarian, enjoyable and communicative.

Laurent Dehors – saxophones, clarinets, bagpipes, jew's harp, harmonica

Michel Massot – euphonium, sousaphone, trombone

Michel Debrulle – drums, percussion



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