Merkür - Landscape Magazine double concert

Merkür - Landscape Magazine double concert

  • Start date : 11/05/2023 20:00
  • Type : Concert
  • Venue : Le Baixu
  • Address : Rue Picard 3, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium
  • Purchase link

Double concert : 

MERKUR (Henri Greindl & Daniel Stokart)

The compositions and improvisations of MERKUR 2 are rooted in the electro-psychedelic and ambient currents of the 70s and the jazz experiments that followed, while also drawing inspiration from extraterrestrial music.

Henri Greindl plays electronic instruments and eclectic guitars, and Daniel Stokart  plays saxes, flutes and other USOs (unidentified sonorous objects).


Landscape Magazine is a duo of musicians with diametrically opposite paths: Diego Higueras, born in Peru, is a versatile guitarist influenced by 70's blues and rock. Nicolas Draps, a classically trained violinist from the Royal Conservatory of Brussels, no longer settles solely for "interpretation".

Very organically, loops are created, together or individually, but always with the idea of ​​resonating together in the same direction. There is only one rule: every sound produced must come from the instruments, although sometimes strongly distorted by combinations of effect pedals.



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