Echoes Of Zoo

Echoes Of Zoo

  • Start date : 29/01/2022 20:00
  • Type : Concert
  • Venue : N9 (muziekclub Eeklo)
  • Address : Molenstraat 31, 9900 Eeklo, Belgique
Echoes of Zoo is the latest project of Nathan Daems (saxophone), Bart Vervaeck (electric guitar), Lieven Van Pée (electric bass) & Falk Schrauwen (drums). You may know these musicians from bands like Black Flower, De Beren Gieren, Sylvie Kreusch & Compro Oro. The energy and message of one of his childhood's favorite bands Rage Against The Machine inspired Nathan to start Echoes of Zoo. A band that gives a voice to the unheard. A band that merges psychedelic jazz with a punk attitude. The music has been boiling for a few months now and is ready to steam out with a first EP entitled "First Provocations".



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