Gaume Jazz asbl

Gaume Jazz asbl

  • Address : Rue Camille Joset 1c, 6730 Tintigny, Belgique
  • Manager : Hélène Déom



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In 2025, 4 groups represent French-speaking jazz at Leuven Jazz festival from March 19 to 20, 2025.On the other hand, 4 Dutch-speaking bands will be performing at the Gaume Jazz Festival on August 9 a...
For all jazz musicians from the Grand Est (France), the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and French-speaking Belgium, applications are now open for the third edition of Propulsion!Propulsiopn offers 2 course...
The Gaume Jazz association is offering a jazz course aimed at amateur musicians (from the age of 12, with no age limit), particularly those attending music academies and conservatoires, music workshop...