The book ‘Comment travailler L'OREILLE’ by Thibault Dille
Known for his talents as a musician, Thibault Dille is also a writer, not of novels but of music education.
His latest book, "Comment travailler L'OREILLE", was published at the end of 2024. The book is aimed at both beginners and advanced musicians who want to improve their understanding and use of their musical ear.
Thibault explains: ‘In this book, you'll find elements for understanding what the musical ear is and how it works, what you can do in practical terms to help it evolve (via a whole series of exercises on auditory recognition), as well as tools for transcription, working with an instrument and a selection of reference tools and songs to feed your ear's reference points’.
Prior to this latest opus, Thibault Dille also wrote a five-volume series entitled ‘Improviser, accompagner, composer’, which explores the basics and subtleties of musical creation.
You can find all his books on his website via the link below.
Happy reading... and, above all, happy playing!