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Friday 09/08/2024
A great sextet to evoke the differences, similarities, possible misunderstandings and psychology of the France-Germany couple, the driving force behind Europe, in an “emergent” jazz version. Théo Cec...
Rue Camille Joset, Tintigny, Belgique
Wednesday 08/05/2024
FUR is a risk-taker, because that’s how life is, nothing is stable. And to stay alive, you have to bounce back, from one situation to another, from a ballad to an oppressive ostinato, from a drone to...
Friday 26/04/2024
Friday 23/02/2024
Sunday 13/08/2023
Extensive music, in an unexpected, poetic, playful setting (J. Prouvost)
asbl « Gaume Jazz» - Rue Camille Joset, 1/C – B 6730 Rossignol
For Hélène, sound and music can be perceived as sound textures and musical traditions can be diverted.
Rue de Montauban, Buzenol Étalle, Belgique
Saturday 03/06/2023
To a great extent, jazz has always been a vocal art. Voices set many a mood: suave, soothing, and mellow; angry or exuberant shouts; emotive heartbreakers and hesitaters; powerful, innocent, or milit...
Sunday 28/05/2023
When Franco-Belgian quintet Synestet perform, their music confounds the senses, and manifests as a mélange of colors, smells, shapes, and textures. These five musicians, enamored with improvisation a...
Grand-Place, Grote Markt, Bruxelles, Belgique
Saturday 18/03/2023
Suspended silences characterise Barbara Wiernik's new project, as well as the delicacy of the sounds that surround them and link them together as one links points together to reveal the contours of a...
Saturday 28/01/2023
Synestet, Franco-Belgian quintet, appeals to the senses, expresses, plays, improvises; the perception of music becomes a mixture of colors, smells, shapes, textures. Five musicians crazy about improv...
Friday 27/01/2023
Brilliantly led by clarinetist and composer Hélène Duret, Synestet signs a second opus that is a good part of improvisation. Roles is an imaginary story where the defined rules are very precise...
Sunday 11/12/2022
Sunday 30/10/2022
Fur tends towards the improvisational sketch. The gimbal is melody and exploring new soundscapes by breaking into unchartered territories is their aim. The route for this journey of sound is outlined...
Saturday 29/10/2022
Friday 23/09/2022
Thursday 22/09/2022
Wednesday 06/04/2022
Synestet is a call to the senses, where the perception of music becomes a
mix of colours, shapes and smells. These five improv crazy musicians, with their thirst for playfulness and desire for musica...