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Tuesday 23/04/2024

Saturday 03/06/2023

LP presentation of ‘Pangrams’, the first duo album by pianist Giovanni Di Domenico and accordionist Kalle Moberg. From Jim O’Rourke, Akira Sakata, Nate Wooley and Chris Corsano to Steve Noble and Man...

Thursday 01/06/2023

LP presentation of ‘Pangrams’, the first duo album by pianist Giovanni Di Domenico and accordionist Kalle Moberg. From Jim O’Rourke, Akira Sakata, Nate Wooley and Chris Corsano to Steve Noble and Man...

Wednesday 31/05/2023

LP presentation of ‘Pangrams’, the first duo album by pianist Giovanni Di Domenico and accordionist Kalle Moberg. From Jim O’Rourke, Akira Sakata, Nate Wooley and Chris Corsano to Steve Noble and Man...

Sunday 07/05/2023

Witness the unique four hands piano project that Pak Yan Lau (piano), Giovanni Di Domenico (piano) and Darin Gray (bass) – joined by drummer Frank Rosaly – have been planning for more than a decade,...

Wednesday 12/10/2022

Orange Moon develops a wide range of compositions, each with strong particular worlds combining progressive melodic approaches, counterpoint or intimacy. In their compositions, one can hear influence...