Collectif Thöz #4

Collectif Thöz #4

  • Start date : 20/03/2025 20:30
  • Type : Concert
  • Venue : Jazz Station
  • Address : Chaussée de Louvain 193a-195, 1210 Bruxelles, Belgique
  • Purchase link

Carla Parcianello + Théo Zipper | 20:30
The very unique and accomplished Italian contemporary dancer Carla Parcianello joins forces with hyperactive French multi-instrumentalist Théo Zipper for a performance that plays with the limits of space and sound.
Carla Parcianello · dance / Théo Zipper · bass, guitar, electronics

Stills | 21:30
As a static image is taken by a photographer, Stills tries to capture that moment and translate it into sounds, moods, a feeling or a soundtrack for pictures.
Pak Yan Lau · prepared piano, objects, electronics / Audrey Lauro · alto saxophone


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