Master Clash #3: P. Vaiana / S. Lacy

Master Clash #3: P. Vaiana / S. Lacy

  • Start date : 17/04/2025 20:00
  • Type : Concert
  • Venue : Théâtre Marni
  • Address : Rue de Vergnies 25, 1050 Ixelles, Bruxelles, Belgique
  • Organizing structure : Marni

The observation

“Miles Davis? I listened to a record and didn't really like it...”. It's easy to overlook an artist, even an iconic one, just like that. Or find yourself lost in the face of an often abundant discography and the profusion of sources now available via the Internet. In spite of appearances, approaching the work of a “big name” is not a matter of course.

The concept

Master Clash invites a jazz musician to share his or her passion for a renowned musical personality. How do they do this? By situating his or her singularity, peculiarities and influence on the sound, the instrument, the playing, the style, a movement, an era... The ambition is to enable a discovery or increase the pleasure of listening for a public interested in music without being a specialist.

The pitch

The evening offers the equivalent of two sets.

In the first half, audiovisual archives featuring the musical personality are screened, and commented on by the guest in an exchange with Jacques Onan (Maison du Jazz de Liège).

The second part features a live performance by the guest in connection with the musical personality.


Additional info


The Maison du Jazz de Liège was officially inaugurated on 17 September 1994. To mark its 30th anniversary, the organisers have decided to spread the celebrations throughout the 2024-25 season under th...