Jatoba [Loos - Stokart - Greindl - de Haas]
- Start date : 10/10/2024 20:00
- Type : Concert
- Venue : Le Baixu
- Address : Rue Picard 3, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium
- Purchase link
For decades (!) the members of this group have created complicities within different formations tinged with Latin influences. (Parfum latin, Cheiro de Choro...), but the current configuration is totally new and exciting. On the menu, compositions of Charles Loos and Henri Greindl. The personal and inimitable style of Daniel Stokart on soprano, alto and tenor saxes or on various flutes, the groove of Charles Loos on acoustic and electric piano, the subtle knowledge of Jan de Haas of all Brazilian and Latin rhythms combined with the bass and guitars without any cliché of Henri Greindl make this quartet a new and irresistible cocktail.