Gaume Jazz : Judy Garland Project

Gaume Jazz : Judy Garland Project

In 2024, Neïma Naouri and The Amazing Keystone Big Band join forces to create a captivating concert retracing the dazzling life of Judy Garland through 12 iconic songs... in tribute to her, as conceived with Jodie Devos.

Judy Garland, from child prodigy to global icon, remains one of the greatest American artists of the 40s and 50s. 

From the unforgettable “Somewhere Over The Rainbow” to the invigorating “Get Happy”, the moving “Embraceable You” and the tender “Let There Be Love”, all these melodies are carefully arranged in original, surprising versions that breathe new life into the joyous, sparkling repertoire of American musicals. 

The magic of Judy Garland comes dazzlingly to life thanks to this unique collaboration between the extraordinary voice of Jodie Devos, an internationally acclaimed Belgian opera singer, and the virtuosity of the Keystone Big Band, France's award-winning jazz orchestra. 

Judy Garland Project is an immersive experience that transports you back to the golden age of Hollywood, while celebrating the legacy of this legend. A musical tribute to Judy Garland like you've never seen before! 


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