Jakob Bro, Joe Lovano

Jakob Bro, Joe Lovano

  • Start date : 02/11/2023 20:15
  • Type : Concert
  • Venue : Flagey
  • Address : Place Sainte-Croix, 1050 Ixelles, Belgique
  • Organizing structure : Flagey
  • Purchase link

With Once around the room (ECM Records, 2022) artist-in-residence Jakob Bro and Joe Lovano pay a vibrant tribute to iconic drummer Paul Motian. To celebrate the musical legacy of this emblematic percussionist, Bro and Lovano's compositions are intertwined with collective improvisations and Motian's "Drum Music". For this occasion, the Danish guitarist and the American saxophonist are surrounded by a group of exceptional jazzmen: Larry Grenadier, Thomas Morgan and Anders Christensen on bass, as well as drummers Joey Baron and Jorge Rossy.


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