Aleph Quintet

Aleph Quintet

  • Start date : 14/04/2023 20:30
  • Type : Concert
  • Venue : Jazz Station
  • Address : Chaussée de Louvain 193a-195, 1210 Bruxelles, Belgique

Rewarded at the ‘Musical Days of Carthage’ in Tunisia as well as the ‘Musical Press Prize’ in France, Aleph Quintet is one of the revelations of the Brussels scene. Sponsored by the Igloo Records label, the group’s first album ‘Shapes of Silence’ highlights the of these five musicians, bears witness to their roots, and retraces the years of travels during which the collective united around this music. Without imposing borders and carried by their generosity, North African music mixes with jazz improvisation, Gnawa rhythms and Sufi culture.



Aleph quintet

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