Manolo Cabras quartet
Manolo Cabras Quartet
Jean-Paul Estiévenart (tr)
Nicola Andrioli (p)
Manolo Cabras (b)
Marek Patrman (d)
Adventurous as it is, the Manolo Cabras quartet exists of 4 unique musicians that share their roots in the traditional jazz.
Jean Paul Estevienart, Nicola Andrioli and Marek Patrman, belong definetly to the finest of the Belgian actual jazz scene.
In Cabras compositions they’re invited to a continuous research within the structure a daring game where tradition is never far away but yet challenged and joyfully explored.
This band resonates jazz strongly while remaining surprisingly fresh.
Reminiscing Miles, Coltrane or Ornette in its concept of swing while revealing a large spectrum of colors trough the expressive melodies of Manolo Cabras
Melys in Diotta
el NEGOCITO Records eNR050