"They form the kind of duo that jazz fans love. Their careers seem so closely interlinked and complementary that people will speak about Charlier/Sourisse' as if they were a single person. You hardly know which one is André and which one Benoît. The two artists seem to share a view of life and of music, which they have been making together for over fifteen years, both as a duo and alongside Didier Lockwood and Jean-Jacques Milteau. They co-write their songs, discuss them on the road and in the evening at the hotel, then shut themselves up in the studio to bring them to fruition. Like two cooks who work out their recipes together. Or two navigators, preparing to set off around the world on the same ship.
Vincent Bessières (Journalist at Jazzman)
On Youtube, a video with Kurt Rosenwinkel at the Juke's joint