Michel Marissiaux

Michel Marissiaux

Michel MARISSIAUX has been associated with the avant-gard jazz scene in Belgium since the early 90ies.

In 1994 he played with 1994: Forms the group "Au Fond Dans La Mer Une Etoile Se Reflète Sur Le Ventre D'Argent Des Poissons" (at the deep of the sea a star reflects off the silver belly of the fish), the band of bass clarinet player Antoine PRAWERMAN, with Stéphane GALLAND drums, Kris DEFOORT piano, Bo VAN DER WERF baritone sax.

He played with progressive rock bands, a.o. Where is China, Glas Notes,...

He worked with the Garrett LIST Ensemble with Garrett List (tb, voc, lead), Marc Frankinet (tp), Rhonny Ventat (as) Vincent Jacquemin (cl), Pirly Zurstrassen (pn), Véronique Lierneux, Cécile Broché (vln), Manuela Bucher (alto) Jean-Paul Zanutel (cello) and "La Grande Formation" with David LINX (Vocals), Marianne POUSSEUR (Vocals), Pierre BERNARD (Flutes), Fabrizio CASSOL (Alto Sax), Marc FRANKINET (Fluglehorn, Trumpet), Vincent JACQUEMIN (Clarinets), Antoine PRAWERMAN (Clarinets), Michel MASSOT (Tuba,Trombone, Vocals), Pierre VAN DORMAEL (Guitar), Michel DEBRULLE with whom he recorded the CD "Galilée" and "Anyone lived in a pretty how town" (Carbon 7).

He has an album under his own name, titeld "Wishes".