Continuons les souhaits des professionnels pour la scène belge de jazz...
“I wish you to meet the unexpected, dive into the unknown and be only driven by your sense and freedom.” Guillaume Desmet, ingénieur du son.
“A daily life full of good vibes, improvisation and encounters with wide horizons, like jazz, is what we wish for each and every one of us for 2024! ” l'équipe du Théâtre Marni.
“My wish is to help as many people as possible discover the richness of jazz. To take "Musiq3 Jazz" listeners on a musical journey from the 20's to now, rich in influences, accessible, and also full of our Belgian musicians, who benefit from a unique showcase for their work.” Arnaud Quittelier, journaliste à Musiq3 Jazz.
“Jazz&mo' wishes all jazz lovers a year full of vibes, grooves, funky licks, musical discoveries, ear-pleasing music, concerts that blow you away, and last but not least: lots of interesting interviews and catchy columns in your favourite jazz magazine.” L'équipe de Jazz&Mo.
"Hypnote wishes all members of the jazz community success in achieving their ambitions despite all difficulties and challenges, and to express their creativity as freely as possible to magnify the diversity of our art." Giuseppe Milaci pour le label Hypnote Records.
“I wish the music and art scenes a year filled with flow, trust, playfulness, discoveries and mystery.” Samuel Ber, batteur.
“May 2024 be the year of recognition for all the talent that Belgian jazz has to offer.” Phil Abraham, tromboniste.