La 2e série de souhaits des jazz professionnels pour 2024...
“I wish for equal opportunities for young, promising, and emerging musicians and bands to showcase their music.” Jasmien Geijsels, pianiste.
“La Ferme wishes you...
Swinging evenings,
Concerts that will get you going,
Encounters that trombone, and laughter that contrabass,
Tempos like Django's,
Rythms like Chett's,
And hearts that live!” Christelle Alexandre, chargée de communication à La Ferme
'May 2024 be a year in which everyone can experience their passions to the fullest'. Frank Vaganée, directeur artistique du Brussels Jazz Orchestra
“We wish that the diversity and inclusion of jazz may serve as an example to the world and that 2024 may be a year of peace and understanding.” L'équipe de Flagey.
“Jazz is the pulse of life, and don't we say "live music"? Jazz concerts should be covered by Social Security! To all the bumpkins who consider jazz to be "intellectual" music, remember where it comes from... For me, it's the music of the soul.” Pierre François du Relais Jazz
Mon message est court et concis, mais avec une vision large: "To be heard!". Georges Tonla Briquet, journaliste
"For 2024, I wish that jazz venues will take risks and break the borders as jazz is meant to be. I also wish to all my colleagues to keep their beautiful dedication and faith in what they do." Julien Tassin, guitariste.