Exposition collective "Jazz & Bande dessinée" du 11 juin au 8 septembre

Exposition collective "Jazz & Bande dessinée" du 11 juin au 8 septembre

At the beginning of April, the “Jazz and Comic Strip” exhibition opened at/with ESA Saint-Luc. The event was a great success, both public and critical. La Maison du Jazz is back at it again, with the Belgian Comic Strip Center as a partner for an exhibition which will cover the whole summer. A visit to Brussels will be essential as it will offer another perspective. If the same artists are represented at the Comic Strip Museum, the scenography differs by grouping the works by musical themes. A focus on Louis Joos will also be offered. In Liège, we favored illustrations and large formats, in Brussels the emphasis will be on the plates taken from his albums. 

With: Stéphane Aubier & Vincent Patar, Jean Bourguignon, Thierry Bouüaert, Yves Budin, Anne Citron, Fifi, Jampur Fraize, Louis Joos, Joe G. Pinelli, Jean-Claude Salemi, Sisca Locca, François Walthéry, Eric Warnauts & Guy Raives.

From 11/06 to 08/09