Constant Letellier

Constant Letellier

Constant LETELLIER awarded highest distinction in clarinet at the Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles, he learned to play jazz by listening to records of Ellington, Goodman, Artie Saw and Buddy de Franco.
In 1948 he played for the American Army in Germany, then toured in Libya, Morocco and England with the Bob Shots.

He began clubbing in 1953 in the Brussels Boeuf sur le Toit and the Moulin Rouge.

He was member of the Henry Segers' television orchestra (which was also the band for the 1958 World Fair in Brussels), where he stayed for 13 years. On the clarinet, alto and tenor sax, he participated in many studio recordings, as well as touring in Europe.

He played with numerous bands, suchs as the Herman SANDY quintet (record), Johnny DOVER Sax Combination, Jean-Lou VANDERBORGHT etc...

He also played in various big bands, a.o. with Léo Souris, Sadi etc...

These days, he plays a.o. with the RETRO JAZZ ORCHESTRA.