Michel Berckmans

Michel Berckmans

  • Instruments : Bassoon
  • Date of birth : 01/09/1955
Born in Brussels on September 1st 1955, Michel Berckmans studies the bassoon at the Conservatoire Royal de Musique de Bruxelles.

In 1978, he interrupts his studies to participate in the creation of various musical groups such as:
Univers Zero, Aqsak Maboul, Julverne, Musique Flexible in Belgium.
Art Zoid in France.
Munju in Germany.
Von Zamla in Sweden.
With these ensembles he toured all around Europe.

He is increasingly inspired by the theatric environment and becomes involved with the new Théâtre de Bruxelles under the direction of Henri Ronse, interpreting "Une musique de cuivre aux fen?tres des incurables" by M. Maeterlinck and in the Théâtre ˆ Bâtir in Paris in the show "Deux ou trois trapèzes que je sais d'elle".
Later on, he becomes composer for scene music at the Le théâtre du Cygne: "Les contes du Whisky"; the Théâtre de Galafronie: "La soupe au crapaud ", "Transit", "L'ornithorynque"; the Théâtre Bis: "De eerste Held"; the Théâtre Next: "Herwig De Weerdt", "La rose de Cerzeto"
He plays with the Théâtre du Tilleul in "La fameuse Invasion des Ours en S"cile".
He is engaged as musical adviser at the Singel for "Schumann ˆ 360 ".

Parallel to his theatre activities he reintegrates himself into the universe of classical music: he forms trio Martinu with clarinet player Ronald van Spaendonck and bassoon player Lode Cartrysse and is member of the ensemble "Nouvelle musique consonnante" of Michel Lisyght.
Recently, he participated in the formation of the group "l'Ampleur des Dégâts" with Martine Kivits, J.L. Fafchamps, Alain Gilbert and Aurélia Boven.

    Univers zero "Univers zero", "La faux", "Ceux du dehors"
    Aqsak Maboul "Un peu de l'âme des bandits"
    Julverne "A neuf", "Emballade", "Ne parlons pas de Malheur"
    Von Zamla "No make up"
    MunJu "Le perfectionniste"
    Art Zoid "Musique pour l'odyssée"
    S. Birnbach & B. Lew "When God was famous", " Le parfum du rackis"
    Jacqui Susshholz "Yiddish is forever"