Open Call of the association 'Les Lundis d'Hortense'

Open Call of the association 'Les Lundis d'Hortense'


Les Lundis d'Hortense programmes a series of activities comprising over 100 concerts per season. Almost all of this programming is based on calls for proposals, heard blindly by the members of the ASBL's Board of Directors.

This call for proposals is only open to jazz bands whose members are mainly based in Belgium. Click on the link below to find out about the other conditions for registration.

Projects can be proposed for the following activities (see details via the link below) before the deadline of the 10th of  June 2025 :

Les Soirs d'Hortense 

This is a series of concerts on Wednesdays at the Jazz Station. This call is for one concert in 2026.

Jazz Tour

8 groups tour Brussels and Wallonia between October and May. This call is for the 2026-2027 season.

Lotto Brussels Jazz Week-End

Come and present your project at a Sunday concert on the Grand'Place. This call concerns the 2026 edition of the Festival, so the date is to be confirmed - usually the last Sunday in May.