Call for artists - Imagine Belgium 2024
Get ready for Imagine Belgium 2024!
Imagine Belgium 2024 is here! Calling all young musicians (ages 13-21) for the ultimate all styles music competition. Solo or in a band, this is your moment to shine!
Immerse yourself in a two-day musical journey, with coaching on April 20 and the Belgian finals on April 21 in Flagey, Brussels.
The winner will represent Belgium at the international final of Imagine Music Experience 2024. There are also other amazing prizes, including the opportunity to perform during Imagine Netherlands in Maastricht or Imagine France in Paris!
The Imagine Music Experience takes place in 8 countries and is open to musicians between the ages of 13-21. Each experience aims to help take young musicians one step closer to reach their potential through workshops, jams and competition.
Regsiter for the preselections before the 18th of February 2024.