Next events

Friday 01/03/2024

Jam sessions will be held every night of the Open Jazz Festival at La Ferme du Biéreau. Come on and join the groove !
The Brums will play at the Open Jazz Festival on Friday 1st of March ! 
Worship the Kick will play at the Open Jazz Festival on Friday 1st of March ! 

Thursday 29/02/2024

An amazing Jam Session will be held at the Open Jazz Festival on Thursday 29th of February at 10pm ! See you there to create music with other passionate people. 
The amazing trio Manuel Hermia, Sam Gerstmans and Pascal Mohy will play at the Open Jazz Festival on Thursday 29th of February ! 
Let's discover together what Sam Gerstmans and Pascal Mohy have to teach us about the jazz !  (workshop in french)

Wednesday 28/02/2024

Jam sessions will be held every night of the Open Jazz Festival at La Ferme du Biéreau. Come on and join the groove !
Taxi Brousse will play at the Open Jazz Festival on Wednesday 28th of February ! 
A swing workshop will be held at the Open Jazz Festival before Taxi Brousse's concert. See you on Wednesday 28th of February to learn how to swing !

Tuesday 27/02/2024

Jam sessions will be held every night of the Open Jazz Festival at La Ferme du Biéreau. Come on and join the groove !
CIAO KENNEDY will play at the Open Jazz Festival on Tuesday 27th of February !
Station will play at the Open Jazz Festival on Tuesday 27th of February ! 

Monday 26/02/2024

After Gustave Brass Band's concert, an Open Mic will be held in the Ecuries of La Ferme du Biéreau until 1am.
To open the Open Jazz Festival 2024 we are happy to welcome Gustave Brass Band on Monday 26th of February !
The Kapodastre will play at the Open Jazz Festival on Monday 26th of February ! 

Friday 25/02/2022

Thursday 24/02/2022

Lupa Gang Gang is a group that tries to connect extremes. Starting from a jazz-funk perspective, they want to achieve some form of ''eclectism''. They pay little attention to the artificial borders an...

Wednesday 23/02/2022

Tuesday 22/02/2022

Monday 21/02/2022