Inactive PiWiZ Trio

PiWiZ Trio

  • Constituted : 01/03/2009
"One voice, four hands and three very different personalities for a harmonious and sensitive mix and an intimist and sparkling atmosphere."

Silence. Let the music begin. Let the timeless and colourful trip take off on board the trans-musical PiWiZ trio on an imaginary silk road, between night and day.
And then we come across pictures of life, the Golden Number and the East, moon and sun with their chromatic colours, multiple-scented hydrangeas, sand and mirages, September wine harvest of August vineyards …
The music goes round, twirls around, whirls to the sound of strings, blown, muttered, plucked, scratched and struck strings.
Let's go back, suspended time, held breath, calm and relaxed, we are surprised with a smile on the lips.

"Barbara's path and mine have often crossed for several years and then, one day, without even realising it, we started playing together, naturally, without any effort.
Exchanges, connivance, affinities, vibrating strings, music appears, repertory builds up and then comes the ever repeated pleasure to work with "a voice".
The acoustic guitar imposed itself with Jacques who I have known since we began at the Jazz Seminary of the Conservatoire Royal de Liège."
Music finds a balance in the trio, it finds new tones, freedom, lightness, a new rhythmic and harmonious dynamic."