Inactive The Garrett List Ensemble

The Garrett List Ensemble

About the Garrett List Ensemble...

Loving different musical contexts (from solo performance to symphonic orchestra), Garrett LIST longed to set up a medium band. Therefore appeared in the mid-nineties the Garrett List Ensemble, composed of ten musicians coming from varied musical horizons : classical, contemporary, jazz and pop. That reflected of course the taste and the eclectism of its leader.

A string quartet converse with two brass and two reeds, a minimalist piano and an electric bass added. And what about the percussions ? They are absent, but the band does not miss them, because the music creates its own beat.

LIST's feath of strenght is to give his music a sound of nowadays while using the european classical idiom, the improvisation and the song form. Nevertheless, the result never gives an impression of patchwork or unnatural wedding. On the other side from a featuring music, the leader gets a wonderful orchestral sound with a special poetic flavour. So is the GLE able to seduce a large audience. Everybody can find something in it to satisfy and feed one's soul.

For now, two albums have been issued on Carbon 7 :

" The Unbearably Light " in 1997
" The Voyage " in 1998.
In 2001, the GLE comes back on the scenes : concerts at the Salon Mativa (Liège), at the festival "Sons d'Hiver" (Paris) and at the festival "Jazz à Liège".