Alain Pierre solo
© Robert Hansenne

Alain Pierre solo

  • Constituted : 01/09/2016

Alain Pierre studied Classical Guitar, Chamber Music, free improvisation at « Conservatoire Royal de Musique de Liège », Belgium.
He studied Jazz Guitar, Jazz Harmony, arranging and composing at « Conservatoire Royal de Musique » in Brussels.
One of the singularities of his art is the use of the classical guitar technique to play jazz and improvise on the 12-string and classical guitars.

Current Projects:
« Alain PIERRE Guitare Solo » ;
« Alain PIERRE & Etienne PLUMER Acoustic Duo» ;
Composer, arranger & producer of  Barbara Wiernik’s « Ellipse »

Other projects :
« Norma WINSTONE with Alain PIERRE & guest Barbara WIERNIK » : Jazz Station le 17 mars 2023
« Brew-Quay Quartet » with Jacques PIROTTON, Jasen WEAVER, Antoine PIERRE or Fabio ZAMAGNI
 « Tree-Ho ! » with Félix ZURSTRASSEN and Antoine PIERRE ;
« WRaP ! » with Barbara WIERNIK and Jean-Louis RASSINFOSSE ;
« Different Lines with Barbara Wiernik ;
« Arbor  Heart », « Special Unit » et « Pocket Unit » ;
Duet  withPeter HERTMANS
Founder of the Label « Spinach Pie Records » (« Barbara Wiernik - ELLIPSE » (Spinach Pie Records 104) & « Barbara Wiernik & Nicola Andrioli – Complicity » (Spinach Pie Records 102)

Several tours in Europe, Tunisia, Morocco, Nigeria, Benin, Democratic Republic of Congo, India & Viet-Nam.

He teaches Jazz Harmony, Jazz ensembles and Sight-reading at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels since 2015.

He teaches Guitar, Improvisation & Composition at the Conservatoire of Huy since 1987 and during summer clinics (AKDT of Libramont, Tunisia, Democratic Republic of Congo).

Selected Recordings:
Alain PIERRE Solo - « Sitting In Some Café » (Spinach Pie Records - SPR 103)
Tree- Ho ! - « Aaron & Allen » (Spinach Pie Records - SPR 101).
WRaP ! - « Endless » (Igloo – IGL 245).
Duo Alain Pierre-Steve Houben - «  Dolce Divertimento » (Mogno - J024).
« Anfass » (Igloo Mondo - IGL 148).