Led by clarinettist Hélène Duret, the Synestet quintet appeals to the senses, expressing, playing and improvising; the perception of music becomes a blend of colours, smells, shapes and textures. Five musicians crazy about improvisation, thirsty for play and musical expression, who, live, become a single entity; a group in every sense of the word. Thanks to the listening skills and trust that reign between each member, the music is unleashed, takes flight and imposes a power never before equalled in the studio experience.
A rock electric guitar with volatile effects, drums that are sometimes colourful, sometimes orchestral, melodies to sing where saxophone, clarinet and double bass merge into a single voice. This unprecedented encounter offers a liberated music that advocates simplicity and inventiveness.
- Released : 04/10/2024
- Reference : IGL377
- Support : digital
- Label : Igloo