Indians you need, and they gather the concept into their embrace with delight.
But if that elephantine fantasy has
only recently been fully paid up, the gallop of dreams has been around for more than 15 years, and since it's a
western signed with a sword at your throat *, it has a certain air of sanctity. Sure, in 15 years the picture has
changed a bit (Trio Bravo. Trio Grande, the topography shifts but never breaks), as has the distribution (exit
Aka Cassol, hello to the great gleaming feeling of Dehors).
But Adventure is watching, waiting in the corner of the
saloon : this second work from Trio Grande ** is in no way a repeat. Deracinated roots - a clapped out Jew's harp
from Venus, hallucinated blues, the round-the-world growl, tongue clicks and key clicks. lt's a groove knitted
between mist and neon - the kiss of the woodblock and the massive pipes, Ayler in the West, acid sweetness, 3
stamped stamps (I mew. you trumpet. he purges). Laurent Lord of the Saxes, Massot of the Stars, Lord Debrulle
of Binche : the order of the day stands at the height of the disorder of generic nights.
To reinvent energy melody,
to reinject tribal chanting into the guts of the frozen West, to suck the juice of the desert cactus - a handful of
mocking psychedelic Indians are offering the peace-pipe of electric swing to the cowboys. And as for what's left
over, sniff it, mate, sniff the bum of the charger of time, while that trio keeps on growing!
* Clearly Zonro'S sword - nowadays. when sad cowboys armor-clad in their · presiding position get their hysterical
keyboards out to rescue with one hand what hasn't been scuppered by the other. nuance is all !
** The first date in 1994 (Trio Grande. Igloo IGL 109)"
( Liner notes by Jean-Pol Schroeder )
- Released : 01/01/2002
- Reference : WERF 028
- Support : CD
- Label : W.E.R.F. records