B-Jazz International Contest 2023 voorronde #1

B-Jazz International Contest 2023 voorronde #1

Muziekmozaïek, Leuven Jazz and CC het SPOOR are looking for young Belgian jazz talent ready to break through on international stages. During the preliminary round on Saturday 4 March in Harelbeke, four young bands will get the chance to present themselves to the public and the professional jury.

Eight bands were selected from the 24 entries. Teddy's Brain Drain, Mojo Jojo, Wajdi Riahi Trio and Elias D'hooge Trio will give their best during the first preliminary round in CC het SPOOR in Harelbeke.

After the four performances - and while waiting for the jury decision - you can enjoy a Late Night Jam where these young musicians do what they do best: make music on a stage. Together with other musicians present, they will challenge each other musically and treat the audience to an exciting jam session.

After the Late Night Jam, we will then find out who will advance to the finals of the B-Jazz International Contest 2023. Two jazz bands will then compete against young international jazz bands in the finals.

Come and see!

19:00: Teddy’s Brain Drain
20:00: Mojo Jojo
21:00: Wajdi Riahi Trio
22:00: Elias D’hooge Trio
23:00: Late Night Jam



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