Claude Evence Janssens and collective
© Andie Van Engeland

Claude Evence Janssens and collective

  • Constituted : 24/11/1984

Claude Evence Janssens made his debut as a composer in 1984, with music he wrote for a group he described as "baroque pop-rock", which earned him the Marcel Hicter prize from the French Community of Belgium. This classically trained musician, passionate about Bach, with a degree in musicology, worked in the field of creating advertising music before devoting himself to the composition of music mainly relating to the Third and Fourth streams (a crossover of classical, jazz , r'n'b, world), giving rise to a dozen albums that the critics have each time praised. Today he is gradually moving towards the composition of music closer to the classical and contemporary sphere, while integrating elements from the very mixed genres he has practiced, supported by electronics (via sound synthesis and sampling), and this in an approach which partly refers to Terry Riley, Steve Reich, Philip Glass and even John Adams.