Marie – Anne Standaert, the first (and for now the only!) female jazz trumpet player in Belgium started this band in 2007 , together with Bram Weijters, piano and Janos Bruneel, double bass. The band toured in small clubs & interesting festivals in Belgium. After the touring the band went their separate ways for a few years because of the high demand for each one of them. They performed in a lot of challenging and different projects including jazz, pop, theatre...
Marie – Anne recorded and toured several years with The Rhythm Junks ( harmonica player Steven De Bruyn's band ). She formed an inspiring quintet with Richard Rousselet, one of Belgium's (still living) jazztrumpet legends … Bram has played intensely with pop bands such as Dez Mona and Jerboa. With his own international jazz band for the W.E.R.F. Label he recorded two albums. He also recorded with the Koen Nys quintet , Hamster Axis of The one click panther ,.. Janos is an internationally renowned bass player with different jazz project. Performing as sideman he won several prestigious awards. He received the Belgian SABAM award for young jazz talent in 2010. He has already made several recordings, with Hamster Axis, Marjan Van Rompay group, Luke Howard…
From 2013 on this trio has started performing together again exploring the frontiers of their own music – which consists of compositions from the bandmembers, combined with some finely selected original jazz tunes.
Their debut album will be released in March 2014.
Staying true to their formula without drums, the band touches and opens up the heart of the music, with room for everyone, no boundaries and an overwhelming respect for groove, intensity and glowing melodies.