Mile(s)tones (6+)
© Dries Segers

Mile(s)tones (6+)

  • Start date : 16/01/2025 15:00
  • End date : 19/01/2025
  • Type : Concert
  • Address : Meistraat 2, Antwerpen, België

During Mile(s)tones, a percussionist, a pianist and trumpeter take you into the fascinating world of legendary American jazz composer and trumpeter Miles Davis. His adventurous way of making music is the starting point of the performance. The spaces constantly change. One moment you find yourself in the bubbling creativity of a recording studio, the next you are on stage and one of the musicians, then you are creating live music to a film or standing in the celebrated musician's painting studio.

In Mile(s)tones, you will experience the fantastic possibilities of improvised music based on Miles Davis' compositions, with members of Ghent jazz ensemble De Beren Gieren Fulco Ottervanger and Simon Segers, and trumpeter Bert Bernaerts as your ideal guides.



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