Gaume Jazz : Sarab (Fr-Sy)
- Start date : 10/08/2024 22:45
- Type : Concert
- Address : Rue Camille Joset 1, Tintigny, Belgique
- Organizing structure : Gaume Jazz asbl
- Festival : Gaume Jazz Festival
The group Sarāb ('mirage' in Arabic) combines rock, modern jazz and traditional Arab music. Initiated by French-Syrian singer Climène Zarkan and guitarist Baptiste Ferrandis, it soon became a sextet, with a rhythm section of radiant energy, and the trombone of the brilliant Robinson Khoury, whose melodic lines navigate between Eastern and European scales, between ornamentation, and link up wonderfully with the voice.
Transcended by the voice of French-Syrian singer Climène Zarkan, halfway between emotion and anger, between storm and bursts of verse, the Sarāb band plays with the frontiers between ̀jazz reveries, dub rhythms, traditional Arab music, electro and rock samples. Sarāb between jazz-rock frenzy and oriental lyricism.